I — in a Nutshell

I am a Doctoral Research Fellow at ARENA Centre for European Studies of the University of Oslo. My research focuses on the interaction between the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) and the European Commission regarding violations of the rule of law and core EU membership principles. Specifically, I analyze the EU’s inconsistent response to rule of law breaches in Hungary and Poland since 2010, as part of the ENROL project.

My broader interests include the evolution of political systems, democratic institutions, and data science. In comparative politics, I develop innovative measurement strategies to address questions about courts, electoral systems, and legislatures. By integrating insights from political theory, I create empirically testable designs for rigorous comparisons across different contexts. A central question in my research is how institutional change is influenced.

In data science, I connect empirical research on democracy with advanced data collection and processing techniques. I explore how variations in democratic institutions are affected by factors like kinship, impersonal trust, and market integration.


2022- Now | Ph.D. in Political Science, University of Oslo, Norway
2025- Now | Visiting Ph.D. student at Dept. Political Science, University of Toronto, Canada
2020-2022 | Joint M.A. in European Politics and Society, Leiden University, Netherlands
2015-2019 | B.A. in International Relations, Tecnológico de Monterrey (ITESM), Mexico


• ECPR Methods School, Machine Learning Methods, Online, 2024
• Oxford Spring School, Causal Inference, University of Oxford, 2023
• Komex Mathematics for Political Science, University of Konstanz, 2023
• Europeaum Spring School on Law and Power, Oxford, 2022
• ECPR Methods Summer School, KU Leuven, 2021
• Oxford Spring School, Qualitative Methods, University of Oxford, 2021

Professional Memberships

American Political Science Association (APSA)
European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR)
Law and Society Association (LSA)
European Union Association Studies (EUSA)
Erasmus Mundus Association


Journal of European Public Policy, Reviewer 2023 – Present.

Last update: January 8th 2025